The very active town of Acqui Terme offers tourists various types of initiatives.
25 Maggio 2024

The very active town of Acqui Terme offers tourists various types of initiatives. We show here a list of Events that can be followed during the period of our International Open, then, for each of these you can have more detailed information either in the tournament room at the Organization desk or at the Acqui Terme tourist office.

June 9th in the center LIBRANDO, the second-hand book exhibition and market.

June 12th in the morning in Piazza Bollente THE MILLE MIGLIA, the famous road car race of the 1950s which has now become a regularity race. They will stop in Acqui, where the race times will be checked. To date, there are almost 400 participants with cars of all brands and eras (a small selection in the photos). A feast of emotions for motor lovers.

  • June 13th at the Ariston Theater BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, the musical.
  • June 14th   in Piazza Bollente OPEN-AIR-DISCO.

Furthermore, for the entire period you can visit BRUNO MUNARI - THE LIGHTNESS OF ART. An anthological exhibition on show at Palazzo Robellini.

Finally, we would like to remind you of the two blitz tournaments open to all that we will organize on evenings of Monday 10 June and Friday 14 June at the playing venue.

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